Bodywork & Individual Sessions


My approach to bodywork is to listen through touch to the ways in which I can support the body to release tension and holding patterns, and ultimately support the incredibly intelligent system of healing that is innate to each one of us. I draw on intuitive knowing along with techniques I have studied in Thai massage, Therapeutic Massage, Craniosacral Therapy and bodywork specific to the practice of Contact Improvisation. I work mostly with pressure points, facia stretches, supporting different structures to release holding patterns, rocking, compressing and giving space. I am interested in supporting the body’s natural ability to heal itself by offering presence, support, mobilisation, pressure and tension release, and listening. Bodywork is received laying down on a soft mat on the floor, fully clothed with no oil. A session lasts 60-90 minutes. I may also offer some advice on posture, movement and lifestyle habits that can support releasing and softening towards more ease and less pain. I believe that we are constantly transforming and that our physical bodies are incredibly wise and adaptable, responding to our environment, emotions, activity and individual journeys. Contact me if you would like to book a session in Cape Town or Stanford.

  • 60 Minutes - R800

  • 90 Minutes - R1100