Fingers and Toes, My Body Knows
‘Fingers and Toes, My Body Knows’ is a dance production for children age 0-4years old. Produced by ASSITEJ SA with funding from the National Arts Council of South Africa, the show toured crèches in and around Cape Town. In 2017 it was presented at the ASSITEJ World Congress Cradle of Creativity held in Cape Town, and in 2018 it was invited to tour to the Ricca Ricca Festival in Japan.
Fingers and Toes' tells a story of touch, rediscovering how intelligent our bodies are at perceiving the world around us. Through an integration of abstract and character-based performance styles, the work is absorbing and entertaining for all ages, but is particularly relevant for little ones who see themselves and their own experiences mirrored by the performance language. This production is one of the first of its kind in South Africa and comes highly recommended as a work of excellent artist value, expertise and love. Directed by Nicola Elliott and performed by Thalia Laric and Siphumeze Khundayi.